
New housing

Development Activity

Over the past decade or so, Atrium has built almost 400 new properties in a number of locations across East Ayrshire and we have plans to build more.

In the next few years, we aim to add up to 100 new properties to our existing portfolio, complimenting the investment work already underway through our HFF21CL Standard programme.

Latest Development

Sunnyside Square West/Knockmarloch Drive

Number and type of units:
  • 3 x 4p/3apt Houses - General Needs
  • 16 x 3p/3apt Houses - Older & Ambulant Disabled
  • 2 x 2p/2apt Flats - General Needs
  • 2 x 2p/2apt Flats - Amenity
  • 2 x 3p/3aptFlats - General Needs
  • 2 x 3p/3apt Flats – Amenity
  • 27 Total

Architect: Robert Potter & Partners
Quantity Surveyor: Reid Associates
Structural Engineer: Harley Haddow
Principal Designer:Robert Potter & Partners
Developer: McTaggart Construction (SPA Framework)

Key Activities

  • Site start - estimated February 2019, actual July 2019
  • Completion - estimated August 2020, actual October 2020
