
Latest news

Tenant Consultation

In line with its policy review timetable Atrium is currently reviewing its approach to tenant participation and is inviting tenants to comment on its draft Tenant Participation Strategy. You can express your views by completing a survey monkey form at . Forms require to be submitted by 14th August 2023 and all returned forms will be submitted into a prize draw for £25 voucher.

Hybrid working comes to Atrium

From 3rd May 2023 Atrium Homes will be trialling a new pattern of office opening. Starting in May, the office at Central Avenue will be open 4 days per week – Monday and Tuesday, then Thursday and Friday opening its normal hours.

For the duration of the six-month trial the office will be closed every Wednesday and staff will pilot a new hybrid working pattern, either based on site or at home for this day. Full services will be available on each Wednesday, and it’ll be business as usual except that staff will not work out of the office.

We want to trial innovative ways of working during this pilot, look to improve our digital communications, find what cost savings can be made and generally review service delivery and the well-being of staff.

You, our customers, will have a key role to play in whether we change our office opening beyond the term of the pilot. We’ll be asking how you find service on the Wednesday, how quickly calls have been answered and how easy you’ve found it getting through to us,etc.

You can continue to contact us, on a Wednesday by:

Phone on 01563 528 816

Email to

Portal enquiry

Website enquiry at

And for the remainder of the week, you can visit us at 14 Central Avenue too.

The Scottish Housing Regulator's National Panel

The latest National Panel survey is now live and is open to all social tenants and other users of social landlord services. Non-members can sign up to the Panel at the same time as completing the survey.

The National Panel is one of the ways that the Regulator includes the views of tenants and users of social landlord services in their work. The Panel is an important part of how SHR involves tenants and service users in their work, alongside other mechanisms such as Tenant Advisors and feedback from RTOs. Over the last 9 years the Panel has provided rich feedback about tenant and service user views, and has helped to shape the focus of the Regulator’s work. The Regulator is keen to build on this with a broad Panel membership.

National Panel membership is open to all tenants and users of social landlord services, and SHR wants to include as diverse a mix of tenants and service users as possible. Around three quarters of the current membership are not involved in RTOs or other formal tenant participation structures, and the Regulator is keen that the Panel continues to reach individuals who may not have otherwise engaged with tenant participation opportunities.

Have your say

A consultation by the Single East Ayrshire Register for Community Housing (SEARCH) partners – namely Atrium Homes, Cunninghame Housing Association, East Ayrshire Council, Riverside Scotland Housing Association and Shire Housing Association, on proposed changes to the Common Allocation Policy will be launching soon.

The proposed changes

There are six proposed changes:

Extenuating Circumstances points awards will be reviewed every six months

Strategic Needs grouping for Armed Forces personnel awards will be extended from three to six months

priority two Health and Disability points will be increased from 20 to 21 points

applicants with a life limiting terminal diagnosis will be awarded the highest Health and Disability priority, where their current home is unsuitable for their current or future needs

applicants assessed as eligible for Care and Support points will be moved into the Strategic Needs Group

preserved waiting list points will be removed.

Have your say

The proposed changes will be presented to tenants, applicants on the housing list, registered tenant organisations and a number of national charities, seeking their views.

The consultation will open on Monday 13 March and close on Monday 24 April.

Have your say by:

completing the survey online

if you don’t have internet access you can contact the Housing Register team for assistance

Paper copies can be returned to: Customer Liaison Team, FREEPOST RSEY-XHST-JHGL, Johnnie Walker Bond, Strand Street, KILMARNOCK, KA1 1HU (a stamp is not required).

More information

If you would like more information about the proposed changes or you require a paper copy, larger font or translated version of the consultation, you will find all the contact information you need online.

Further financial assistance with energy costs

Prior to Christmas Atrium received the fantastic news that it had been successful in a further award of over £72,000 from the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund to help Atrium support tenants from the worst impacts of fuel poverty.

We’ll be using the money in a number of ways.

We’re supporting over 500 households in our hardest to heat homes with a one off payment of £75.00 towards their energy costs.

We also have a fund of over £30,000 to support tenants who have fallen into debt with their energy provider. Supply us with evidence of your energy arrears by a letter or screenshot and we’ll give you a £75 contribution towards the outstanding amount.

Keep watching our Facebook page and website for further information and we’ll be sending texts with further information too. We’ll also be contacting all the households identified as having ‘hard to heat’ homes.
